Small Notebook Computers: Who Are They For And How Do They Compare To Desktops?
Small Notebook Computers: Who Are They For And How Do They Compare To Desktops?
Small Notebook Computers are Becoming Increasingly Common
Small notebook computers are the must-have accessory for many college students and business people today. They look cool and are very useful at the same time. Nowadays, many houses are not replete without a mobile wireless notebook computer or two that can be taken all over the house for gaming, homework, email, and even TV and DVD watching. The new influx of smaller notebook computers makes all this easier in that everyone has less weight to tote around. We have learned with cell phones that smaller is not always better, so it is important to know whether or not the small notebook computer you are buying will be able to function in the capacities you require.
In addition, small notebook computers are ideal for those who travel and need to bring their computers with them. A small notebook computer’s edge in both small size and low weight makes it the perfect fit for supreme ease of portability.
Small Notebook Computers Are Smaller and Lighter
To make their overall size smaller, it stands to reason that the components of small notebook computers are much smaller than their desktop or even regular laptop counterparts. Many small notebook computers come with LCD screens that range from ten to eleven inches, although some have screens even smaller than this. Thickness is another factor in a small notebook computer’s overall small-ness. Thicknesses of less than one inch are common in today’s small notebook computer market, which is seeing greater demand than ever.
Many value or desire small notebook computers not only because of their diminutive size, but also because of their significantly lighter weight as compared to regular laptop computers. Small notebook computers tend to range between five and seven pounds, although the lightest model weighs in at a mere three pounds.
Things to Keep in Mind when Considering a Small Notebook Computer
If you are wavering between a small laptop computer and handheld devices such as phones or MP3 players that offer some of their capabilities, keep in mind that screen resolution is far better on computers. This makes browsing the internet, keeping up with email and the like much easier, and in the long run will save you both time and energy.
However, remember that although they are smaller and lighter weight than other laptops, carrying around a small notebook computer still adds weight to your load, especially if you also carry an adapter or an extra battery along with it. In addition, because everything about them is small and light, small notebooks tend to be more fragile than other laptop computers. Also keep in mind that working on a small notebook computer, though vastly easier than trying to perform similar tasks on handheld devices is not quite as convenient as doing them on their larger laptop cousins.
It’s good to know, though, that what small notebook computers may have to sacrifice in durability and ease of use, they make up for in keeping pace with other computers’ hard drive capacities: small notebook computers come with hard drives of 160GB or more. In addition, making sure your small notebook computer is equipped with Bluetooth technology will assure that you’re ready for up-and-coming technology.