Category Archives: Drives And Storage

Can RAID Systems Fail?

Can RAID Systems Fail? Technology, how we love it until something goes wrong and we end up yelling at our computer screens. If you’ve ever lost data, you know how much time, money, and headaches it can cost you to

Ways That Computer Viruses Spread

Ways That Computer Viruses Spread For a virus or similar program to have any great impact it needs to be able to spread from one machine to another. They are specifically designed to get access to parts of your computer

Before You Take the Plunge

Before You Take the Plunge Know what you’re dealing with The world of data recovery is a big mystery for most consumers and even some IT professionals. This is largely because hard drives themselves are complex devices and their technological

Five Steps To Back Up Your Digital Life

Five Steps To Back Up Your Digital Life More and more, our lives have gone digital. We’re quickly filling up our hard drives with digital photos, music, videos and documents, and in doing so we’re flirting with digital disaster. Think

Hard Drive Recovery (2)

Hard Drive Recovery As computer technology grew, computers become a necessity for most of us. However, only few are well-informed about the hard drive recovery and hard drive data recovery when it comes to computers. Many were told that hard

Be Informed When You Purchase A Computer

Be Informed When You Purchase A Computer When you go online or look at ads for electronics stores, you will probably be able to find a computer that will be just right for you. There are many types and styles

Helpful Guidelines For Choosing Your Next Digital Camera

Helpful Guidelines For Choosing Your Next Digital Camera Digital cameras are available in many shapes and sizes, represent various specifications, and offer an impressive array of features in many price ranges. This is why their popularity is soaring all over

Hard Disk Failures Cause Bankruptcy – Is Your Home Office Computer Protected?

Hard Disk Failures Cause Bankruptcy – Is Your Home Office Computer Protected? Computers are wonderful inventions, until they go wrong. Every company stores data on its computers, instead of in filing cabinets. That data includes invoices payable, customer details, debts,

How To Upgrade Your PC

How To Upgrade Your PC Before you upgrade your PC hardware it’s best to search all options and ask for advice. Only after this you can go and buy a new component. It’s also useful to check if you really

Move Inventory, Not Workers

Move Inventory, Not Workers A plant can save space, time and money with a carousel Many companies think material handling automation is a nice idea, but something for the big guys. After all, computers and automated systems cost money. Automation


Smitfraud SmitFraud is a type of spyware application that is capable of installing itself in your computer through an adware. It has the technical name W32/SmitFraud.A. Since SmitFraud is classified as a spyware program, it can intercept and even have

Digital Binoculars- Taking Videos

Digital Binoculars- Taking Videos Have you ever been looking at something through your binoculars, something really exciting like a breaching whale, a pair of nesting Bald Eagles, or a really cool downhill skier, and wished you had someway to capture