Category Archives: Desktops
Your Guide To A Notebook
Your Guide To A Notebook A notebook or laptop is nothing but a small portable computer that weighs 2.2 to 18 pounds (1 to 8 kg), that depends on its brand, style, size, material it is made of, and many
Macro Recorder – A Task Automation Tool For Everyone
Macro Recorder – A Task Automation Tool For Everyone Everyday each one of us makes thousands of keystrokes and mouse strokes, and repeating the same key and mouse strokes every hour on the hour. To save time and energy on
Linux for Home Users
Linux for Home Users Hey Guys! Don’t raise your eyebrows or fear by hearing the word Linux. It is as user friendly as windows. Just take a look at the articles below and all myths about Linux in your mind
VoIP- Providing The Voice In Web Conferencing
VoIP- Providing The Voice In Web Conferencing Web conferencing is making big waves in the last few years. Through web conferencing meetings, consultations, collaborations, presentations, orientations and other business matters can now be done even if the participants are geographically
Keeping Your Computer Clean
Keeping Your Computer Clean If your computer is used a lot and keep it on for hours at a time it’s a good idea to clean it every now and again, one of the main problems is dust. Cleaning out
The Arrival Of The Mobile Internet
The Arrival Of The Mobile Internet Mobile phones are changing fast. Over the years they have shrunk in size and have become packed with additional features. Almost all phones now come with a colour screen and can play a range
Shopping For A Notebook PC
Shopping For A Notebook PC A Notebook PC, also known as a laptop, is ideal for carrying with you when travelling or allowing you to easily carry your work with you when on the move. Traditionally, though, the notebook PC
Five Reasons to Love Macintosh Computers
Five Reasons to Love Macintosh Computers If you’ve never owned an Apple computer, you don’t know what you’re missing. On the other hand, if you regularly use Macintosh computers, you understand that once you have a Mac, you’ll never go
How to Back Up a Data in Your Pocket PC
How to Back Up a Data in Your Pocket PC It is rather devastating when your Pocket PC has just gone berserk then suddenly; every single file that you’ve saved is lost. No matter how small your handheld device is.
Windows Screensavers Explained
Windows Screensavers Explained In this article you will find some background information about screensavers and their history. You will also learn how Windows screensavers differ from other programs and how you can use it to your own advantage. Also there
Name For Your Computer… Should You Have One?
Name For Your Computer… Should You Have One? Have you thought of a name for your computer? Well, you should. Some people don’t have the chance to name more than one or two computers, while the site administrators name huge
Online Data Recovery Solutions
Online Data Recovery Solutions Losing your data usually occurs when you don’t have the extra time to fix the problem. You may rely on your computer for work or you may use your home computer to keep track of important