Category Archives: Desktops

eBooks – The Untapped Resource

eBooks – The Untapped Resource Most people spend years, and years searching for the answers on how to produce a residual income online, using resources that they next to nothing about. This raises the question, “How is everyone else doing

Behind the Scenes: How Web Conferencing Works

Behind the Scenes: How Web Conferencing Works Web conferencing programs are readily available in the market nowadays. Web conferencing offers instant messaging and hosting of group discussions. It is a great way for conducting meetings, seminars, even presentations or product

The Advantage Of Having Laptop Notebook Computers Around

The Advantage Of Having Laptop Notebook Computers Around My first personal computer was a Compaq desktop with a huge monitor. Though it performed whatever task I wanted done, gave me my first exposure to the Internet, and I used it

Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

Windows Keyboard Shortcuts When I observe most colleagues and friends working on their PC’s they mostly use the mouse as they are unaware of the powerful Windows keyboard shortcuts that will make their lives so much easier. Some people might

The Benefits of Computer Programming

The Benefits of Computer Programming Many of the technologies we enjoy today are the result of computer programming. Technologies that allow us to utilize and enjoy the Internet, desktop and laptop computers, mobile phones, video games, even those that run

Small Notebook Computers: Who Are They For And How Do They Compare To Desktops?

Small Notebook Computers: Who Are They For And How Do They Compare To Desktops? Small Notebook Computers are Becoming Increasingly Common Small notebook computers are the must-have accessory for many college students and business people today. They look cool and

Google Earth – Zoom In!

Google Earth – Zoom In! Cartography, uptil some time ago, was the only way of mapping or charting the globe. Map-reading and map-making is a science, the subtleties of which might not be available to every lay person. However, commercial-use

The Thing About A PC Spectrum Analyzer

The Thing About A PC Spectrum Analyzer Are you looking for the best audio calibrating spectrum analyzers for your office and field use? The best option available for you include getting a PC based spectrum analyzer PC spectrum analyzer can

Signs That Your Home Computer Is Infected by Spyware or Adware

Signs That Your Home Computer Is Infected by Spyware or Adware There are a number of indicators you can watch for which will suggest that your computer has been infected by spyware or adware. Please note that some of the

In The 21st Century With Wireless Stereo Headphones

In The 21st Century With Wireless Stereo Headphones The new and latest in technology… wireless headphones are the best new thing to come along since sliced bread. Are you looking for convenience and less hassle in your life? What if

Top 5 Reasons To Go Wireless

Top 5 Reasons To Go Wireless Wireless networking is 1 of the greatest new computer technologies in terms of convenience. If you’re weighing the pros and cons of wireless before taking the leap, here are 5 to put in the

Using PC Anywhere With Fiber Optics Connection

Using PC Anywhere With Fiber Optics Connection Symantec’s flagship product, the Symantec PC Anywhere, is a multiple platform handler solution that allows remote connections, remote access and multitudes of possibility. You can access virtually any PC having any of the