Category Archives: Desktops

Iggy Discovers USB Networking

Iggy Discovers USB Networking My new laptop is fantastic, with it’s nice new squeaky-clean operating system it runs like a dream. But it wasn’t long before I had to face the technical challenge of getting all my old data from

10 Major Reasons To Switch To Linux

10 Major Reasons To Switch To Linux 1. It Doesn’t Crash Linux has been time-proven to be a reliable operating system. Although the desktop is not a new place for Linux, most Linux-based systems have been used as servers and

The Fiercest Microprocessors

The Fiercest Microprocessors Competition is everywhere, but more so in the computer processor industry. There are established brand names in this industry such as Intel and AMD who are constantly competing for your business and many other up and coming

The Internet Explorer Revolution

The Internet Explorer Revolution The Good And The Bad OF Internet Explorer As the internet has evolved and become part of everyday life, Internet Explorer has also become a household name, used numerous times each day by the majority of

Movie Download: Convenient Or Risk

Movie Download: Convenient Or Risk As we know that there are tons of websites offer online movie downloads these days. Order loads of movies with millions of your choices could be possible in just few clicks and movies will be

Computer Desk Accessories: Great Products, Or A Way To Milk More Money From The Consumer?

Computer Desk Accessories: Great Products, Or A Way To Milk More Money From The Consumer? With what seems like a million new accessories on the market to improve the ergonomics of your computer desk, or to help keep your computer

The Cheapest Way To Speed Up Your PC

The Cheapest Way To Speed Up Your PC Is your computer running slowly but don’t have much cash? Windows XP telling you that you have low memory? Then don’t panic, adding memory to your current computer is one of the

Top 5 Ways Fax Automation Increases Small Business Productivity

Top 5 Ways Fax Automation Increases Small Business Productivity WHAT IS OUTBOUND FAX AUTOMATION FOR SMB’s? Today, most small to medium sized organizations understand outbound fax automation as the ability to send faxes with their computers using the email or

What Type of Computer Desk is Right for You?

What Type of Computer Desk is Right for You? If you’re in the market for a new computer desk, there are a few things you should know before you open your wallet. First, you need to decide what type of

Finding computer packages is certainly not difficult in this year of 2006

Finding computer packages is certainly not difficult in this year of 2006 The first place I would search for computer packages and special deals is Best Buy. I like this particular store for some reason. It always tends to have

4 Great Advantages Of Having A Rack Mount Computer

4 Great Advantages Of Having A Rack Mount Computer 1. Really provides better cooling for your computer hardware We all know that heat can really kill the motherboard, processor and other chips that are found in a computer case. If

What’s a USB Hub?

What’s a USB Hub? Since the mid 90’s we have seen the birth and growth of a connective technology called Universal Serial Bus (USB). Originally designed to connect computers and telecoms equipment, it has slowly become the primary means of